Xo shows queen walk miners on an exposed TH13 anti-2 star TH13 base. Objectives: Lure the offset clan castle Queen and warden walk from 5
Read moreBase #22: Anti-3 Star Inferno Island TH13 Base
Clash with Eric shows how Raze from One Hive takes down this base with queen walk miner. Miners are looking strong for TH13 and I
Read moreBase #21: TH13 Offset Townhall and Clan Castle Anti-3 Base
Another queen walk miner attack on an anti-3 star TH13 base with scattershots by CoC FaDa. Objectives: Funnel PEKKA and grand champion for the 12
Read moreBase #19: Exposed TH12 with empty wall barrier
A common exposed TH12 base I see in CWL. CoC War League XO shows us a queen walk bowtich to crush this base. General Strategy:
Read moreBase #18: TH12 ring base with two infernos by the town hall
CoC War League XO shows us a nice queen walk bowler and witches to take down this popular TH12 ring base. General Strategy: Queen and
Read moreBase #16: Common Legends League Ring Base
Itzu goes through an excellent attack showing how to smash this common legends league ring base with quad quake PEKKA smash. I also see this
Read moreBase #13: Youzi Pi vs Synthe in World Championship Day 3
Youzi Pi doing queen walk hogs on Synthe on Day 3 of the Clash of Clans World Championship Finals. General Strategy: King funnel 12 o’clock
Read moreBase #12: Exposed TH12 Anti-3 Star Base with Three Infernos Side by Side
This CWL base is pretty frustrating to deal with. I have tried with PEKKA Bo Witch without much success (can get 90% or so, but
Read moreBase #11: Exposed Town Hall 12 Anti-3 Star Base
I have seen a few variations of this base in CWL. Sometimes the clan castle is closer to the town hall. COC FaDa does a
Read moreBase #10: Three Inferno Island TH12 Anti-3 Star Base
Another TH12 base with three inferno islands put next to each other. It also has the offset town hall and clan castle. DoDam TV does
Read moreBase #8: Popular TH12 Legend League Anti-2 Star Base
I have seen this popular anti-2 star legend league base very often in raids and quite often in CWL. There are a few approaches to
Read moreBase #6: Three Inferno Islands and a Moat
In the September CWL season, I saw this base quite a few times. Some people move the buildings around in the inferno compartment to add
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